domingo, 13 de enero de 2013

Knee Health Promotion Option (KHPO) for OA Knee

Knee Health Promotion Option (KHPO) for OA Knee (Complete book chapter and training program offering for medical personnel .....)
We have been studying knee osteoarthritis for more than a decade. According to our clinical and basic studies, we've developed a novel concept of arthroscopic surgery, called Arthroscopic Cartilage Regeneration Facilitating Procedure(ACRFP). We also provide a post-operative cartilage regeneration therapy helping reverse the natural course of disease. This comprehensive treatment plan is named "Knee Health Promotion Option". During recent years, more than 500 patients receive KHPO in our center for each year. We routinely follow up their prognosis. The latest result of 3-year follow-up survey shows over 85% of patients have been satisfied with the improvement in knee pain and function. Also, more than 80% of patients' knee x-rays indicate the statistically significant improvement in knee alignment and joint space width in comparison of pre-operative x-rays.

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